SPIRIT (her Native name is CHANTE NUPA, meaning 2 Hearts) and she is 6 years old.She is a Mustang that was rescued out of the wild at a year old. We have trained her to be ridden and she is a sweetheart. She is what is known as a Spanish-Barb Mustang. This means when the Spanish came over in the 1500's they introduced this horse to our country. She has zebra stripes on the back of her legs, which is indicative of the Spanish-Barb Mustangs. These are the kind of horses roaming our country today that are free and wild. A vestige of our past and our history.
Part of proceeds go to Wildhorse Organization in support to protect the wild horses and getting them back on the Endangered Species list.
To further support Wildhorses, please visit Wild Horses and Renegades.
Fine Art Photography © James Anaquad Kleinert

BIG RED is 13 years old. He is a Quarter horse. His color is known as a Chestnut sometimes a Sorrel if they have a little bit more red in their coloring.

CHEROKEE is 10 years old. He is a Pinto and Paint Mix. His type is known sometimes as an "Overo". He is super sweet and aloof, which makes him even cuter. His left eye is blue and his right eye is half brown and half blue.

CHEYENNE is 15 years old. He is a Missouri Fox Trotter meaning he is a Gaited Horse. A Gaited Horse means they have a certain style when they trot, gallop, canter, etc... With these kind of horses you just sit towards the back of the saddle and let them do the rest.

COMANCHE is 12 years old.
He is a Quarter horse and his color is known as a Paint Horse.

ONYX is 17 years old.
She is part Thoroughbred (which are the breeds used to race) and part Quarter horse (which are the ones cowboys use for rodeos and ranch work).

INDIO is 13 years old.
He is a Sorrel color Quarter Horse who was a
roping horse in his past life. He is one of our
leaders, super chill, loves to graze...haha!